Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Californians are up in arms - again - over same-sex marriage.  The California Supreme Court upheld the will of the people today.  Some call it the tyrrany of the majority.  I say, stop whining and get organized!

First, start holding leaders of the LGBT movement accountable.  If you invested $80 million in a hedge fund and it suddenly went out of business, you'd want blood, no?  This is no different.  Tens of millions of dollars were invested in the defeat of Prop 8 and it passed by four percentage points.  The leadership was, as always, at a loss for words because they have no fucking clue how to run an effective campaign!  I kindly refer you to the Prop 22 debacle of 2000.

While Prop 22 did not cost nearly the same as Prop 8, its fate was sadly the same.  The campaign was an utter joke - and I should know; I worked on it!

The forces at work are making California's proposition system, albeit broken, work for them.  When the LGBT community pulls its collective head out of its butt, perhaps someone will start doing the same for our side.  

First, we need to reach out in an effective manner to communities of color; African American, Asian and Latino, and educate them.  They don't have to love the gays, but they do need to be made to understand the basic tenets of the issue and how it affects them.  Second, we need to change California's easily-manipulated proposition system.  The longer we let the people govern, the further we will sink into the morass that is our own doing; it will be California's undoing.

Yes Prop 8 sucks, and yes the system sucks, but until the gays are in the majority, which statistically is unlikely, then we need to find allies and stop trying to make them accept our way of life.  They only need accept that equality means for everyone.


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